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unexpressed feelings

THE CONFUSED STATE             Its just a depiction of state of mind...i dunno  whether you experienced this....   It was a pleasant day...and i sipped my tea..yeah...the mood was good...and while I sipped my last one..I felt something clumsy running in my mind...cant figure out what it is...that insecure feeling popped up..when everything around me was secure...It was like you dont get privacy and ppl are noticing you...When I reached out to my old well known friend..actually he is my ex crush..(when your ex crush becomes your goodfriend..its kinda comfortable..)..had no idea of what is happening..just trolled me...yeah..guys cant figure out whats in a girl's mind..I just wrote my exact feeling on a piece of quoted like.."I wanna throw this cup..and hear the sound of it breaking..shout so loud..punch someone's face..(that might sound arrogant  and violent)"and folded the sheet and sat quietly...This state of mind had no reason...

5 safer stalking tips

5 Safer stalking tips
Stalking is an art..with proper strategies you can ace it..🔥

1.Don't stalk with the same profile..use fake id or your friends'.

2.While viewing photos,go through grid.Dont view them individually,coz you may accidentally like posts.

3.Use vpn and browser (incognito mode),if he uses analysers you might not get caught in his data base.Caution: Never stalk through app.

4.Think before you click..sometimes turning on airplane mode may help..

5.Turn off last seen..So that you won't check his last seen... Remember: He is not a celebrity 😪



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